Every Monday, we'll be choosing one comment from the previous week that made our hearts swell with joy, pride, or love. Then we'll be choosing another that made the rest of our organs swell with shame, hilarity, or disgust. All comments are printed as written.

There was some great stuff last week, but the positive comment of the week is a no-brainer. It comes from a reader named Dot Harward on Devil Wolf's excellent Duke football post:
Loved your article! I have loved Duke football as a child then as a Duke grad. At 82 years I still love Duke football. Now at 82 years I find it difficult to walk from the parking lot to the stadium, but I am determind to be ther this year.
God, that's inspiring. Her words got me so pumped up for the season that I just bought eight tickets for every game. And I don't even have eight friends. Hell, I don't even have two. But if Dot is sucking it up for Duke football when she can barely walk, it's the least I can do.
The negative comment of the week comes from David Pitt, on a re-post of the 2009 championship rant:
I was fortunate enough to go the Final Four in St. Louis in 2005. JJ was one of the National Player of the Year candidates that year and was in St. Louis as part of that award ceremony (if memory serves Bogut won it). Along, with a few other Carolina fans, ran into him on the street in front of the hotel. He stopped and chatted with us briefly even letting us take a few photos. Couldn’t have been nicer, even wished us good luck in the Final Four. A perfect gentleman. Too bad you couldn’t emulate him and be a little classier. So go fuck YOURSELF. (by the way either you never played basketball before or you are a big pussy because the pick Howard set on Singler was just a good, hard and effective pick. Even Singler said so.
I love how that one started out as a completely normal, positive comment, and then just turned on a dime. Also, that might be the first time that J.J. Redick has been held up as a beacon of class.
(And for the record, I have played basketball before, so by David's logical proposition, I am a big pussy.)
More later, if I don't totally pussy out.
The TRB Comments of the Week!
Every Monday, we'll be choosing one comment from the previous week that made our hearts swell with joy, pride, or love. Then we'll be choosing another that made the rest of our organs swell with shame, hilarity, or disgust. All comments are printed as written.
There was some great stuff last week, but the positive comment of the week is a no-brainer. It comes from a reader named Dot Harward on Devil Wolf's excellent Duke football post:
God, that's inspiring. Her words got me so pumped up for the season that I just bought eight tickets for every game. And I don't even have eight friends. Hell, I don't even have two. But if Dot is sucking it up for Duke football when she can barely walk, it's the least I can do.
The negative comment of the week comes from David Pitt, on a re-post of the 2009 championship rant:
I love how that one started out as a completely normal, positive comment, and then just turned on a dime. Also, that might be the first time that J.J. Redick has been held up as a beacon of class.
(And for the record, I have played basketball before, so by David's logical proposition, I am a big pussy.)
More later, if I don't totally pussy out.