Ben and I (okay, it was just me) drop enough f-bombs to build a small f-bomb factory in this week’s episode. We chat about the Olympics, Penn State’s NCAA smackdown, North Korean flag shenanigans, Phelps/Lochte, the MLS All-Star Game, rampant sex in the Olympic Village, and weathermen. Also, Ben goes for his first trivia championship, but this time, he has to face a former Teen Jeopardy champion instead of my 15-year-old sister. Oh, and guess what? For only the second time in Walk-Ons history, we’re using the explicit tag, baby!
Note: Time says 1:15 on this one, but Ben and I only talk for 45 minutes. The last 30 are the other people taking the trivia, and we will forgive if you if you skip that part.
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