Welcome to football week on Tobacco Road Blues. New contributor Andrew Westney kicks us off…
“You took your first pinch like a man, and you learned the two greatest things in life… Never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut.” – GoodFellas
Jimmy Conway’s credo is a little Yogi Berra-esque, in that it makes perfect sense if you don’t try to make too much sense out of it. The point is this, ya mook: don’t tell the cops anything, especially about your amici. As that picture amply illustrated, though, you don’t always know who your friends are, or worse, sometimes the guy
s you thought were your friends will run out at the first sign of trouble. But even then, a lot of people would rather go down with the ship than ever turn rat.
Good thing for journalists and dramatists, then, that a few individuals, with their heads screwed on a special way, choose to violate this code. Because the best corruption tales beg for a rat: sure, intrepid reporters can break a scandal based on dogged review of documents and endless interviews with peripheral parties, but nothing drags the tarp off the cesspool like an insider naming names, taking no prisoners amongst those who until yesterday were his pals.
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